SkLite-Python: Use transpiled scikit-learn models in Flutter =============================================================== .. image:: _static/sklite.png Release v\ 0.0.1. (:ref:`Installation `) .. note:: The Python suffix in the package name serves as an identifier, as the Dart SkLite package is the target library which needs to be used in your application. .. note:: SkLite-Python supports Python 3.6 or later. There will be no support for earlier versions. Easily transpile scikit-learn models to native Dart code aimed at Flutter. The package supports a number of scikit-learn models: +------------------------------------+--------+ | IMPLEMENTATION | STATUS | +------------------------------------+--------+ | KNeighborsClassifier | ✓ | +------------------------------------+--------+ | SVC | ✓ | +------------------------------------+--------+ | GaussianProcessClassifier | | +------------------------------------+--------+ | DecisionTreeClassifier | ✓ | +------------------------------------+--------+ | RandomForestClassifier | ✓ | +------------------------------------+--------+ | MLPClassifier | ✓ | +------------------------------------+--------+ | AdaBoostClassifier | | +------------------------------------+--------+ | GaussianNB | ✓ | +------------------------------------+--------+ | QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis | | +------------------------------------+--------+ | BernoulliNB | ✓ | +------------------------------------+--------+ | LinearSVC | ✓ | +------------------------------------+--------+ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: user/install user/quickstart modules Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`